Game B

Is a bit old now but interesting, its definition and wiki is here. Some barriers to Game B are:

About this Wiki

This wiki captures the results of research and “doing” things that we liked at time of writing. Everyone should aim to be a renaissance (wo)man


I was taught a meditation technique that centered on the breath. Big Deal right? Pretty much most traditions have a ‘beginner’ technique of “following the breath”, often the sensation on the tip of the nose, or trunk of the body. As taught to me there were some notable (I won’t say “unique” or “different”) characteristics: …

NAD, Niacin, Resveratrol

A good book with leading edge info on NAD+ is Lifespan, by David Sinclair. Here is my Kindle Review and My highlights and notes from Kindle I also find it fascinating that celebrated kook and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard had an extreme Niacin detox program in a book (more notes ). Unrelated I used to take Niacin, …


When we were younger the jokes were (especially for startup founders) “sleep is for the weak” and “you can sleep when your dead”. This hubris is part of a toxic work ethic and I’m glad that startups are being coached more constructively these day. The majority of society and employees have no real understanding of …


TL;DR I’m not convinced any one method is better than another, personally I suspect that finding something with a community you resonate with and giving to it sincerely will reveal more – I have notes on snacking below. The (not so) great Unbundling In the last decade or two (probably since John Kabat Zinn  there …


According to aussie boy made good at Harvard – geneticist David Sinclair exercise is key contributor to quality of life and “healthspan”. Its also a decent or best naturally available nootropic . Play and natural movement are largely lost to us and we think we need “serious goal-based” exercise – the goals are also often …

hormetic stress

I’m a big fan of hormetic stress, its closely related (or identical) to anti-fragility.  Entrepreneurs either have this or build it along their journey. Along with , hormetic stress is the engine room of growth, it’s the grit in the oyster that makes the pearl. Because this stress adjacent to our everyday experience and consciousness, …

Cold Shock Proteins & Heat Shock Proteins

A type of  or biological anti-fragility. Cold Shock Proteins Health benefits You can many videos doing post-Wim Hoff immersion in deepfreezers filled with ice/chilled water. I havn’t got their yet but swimming in the ocean and cold showers (especially after  are hopeful attempts to achieve similar results. Cold treatments are known good for muscle recovery, …

Supplements and Biohacks

A friend of mine sent me a t-shirt with a Bette Davis quote on it “Getting old ain’t for sissies.” I’ve seen it elsewhere: “Old age is no place for sissies.” As opposed to “lifespan”, I’m interested in healthspan – which is the more formal version of “when I die, I want to dig my …