Topical and interesting stuff that’s grabbed our attention lately. For creative writing see this page.
Substack got me in the end
I (David) will try using Substack for my non-fiction ravings for a while. Here is my first post on Accepting ...

Branches of Philosophy (in javascript)
I have a bit more time at the moment to do some reading and so I find myself knotted up ...

Ethics and Virtues
A trope I hear from time-to-time is that at the base of all religions is a common truth. It goes ...

Hedonic Treadmill and the Chemical Orchestra
A few days back I read a nice response by a Redditor called "ExRousseauScholar" to the question "Is the hedonic ...

taiji chatbot
Generative AI's boom is unstoppable and OpenAI's announcements this week, led me to try out a "GPT" - which is ...

Generative AI warnings cont’d
It was a heavy hitting week for humanity scale concerns and generative AI warnings. Heavy hitting, not because of the ...

When will pro-human/planet AI overtake manipulation?
In 2022 my team released an AI neural net plugin to our SurfControl email filter that was trained to detect ...

“Sōng, Sǎn, Tōng, Kòng”
About a year ago, my taichi teacher held up a sheet of paper with 4 characters on it and pronounced ...

Prometheus, Icarus, Sweetums and Lucifer walk into a bar…
regarding: I enjoyed this intriguing and well-written post forwarded to me by a friend. This post has some thoughts: ...

Startups: Stress, exercise and adrenal exhaustion
Stress is an unfortunate by-product of startup life - both for founders and teams. Picture a small team trying to ...

OpenAI’s Game B gambit
Much waxing philosophical has been made about organisations in a post-capitalist world, Daniel Schmachtenberger and Jordon Hall (Greenhall) are two ...

The Sanctity of Human Experience (maybe)
One minute on twitter has me questioning the sanctity of human life, but recent AI advances with GPT-4 raise questions ...

Stretching mindlessly and mindfully
Rushing has always been my nature, and choosing startups as a career only intensified my sense of time poverty, whether ...

From one starting point ….
…. a Sumi-e painting workshop During 2020 I was fortunate to attend a half-day Sumi-e workshop with Ken Lamb* - ...

Slow drawing
Two months ago I’d never heard of this. Now I’m a bit of a fan. For me it’s generally a ...
Splitting stories from posts
We've moved prose and poems to its own section, you can find it at Writing ...

Breath: a life’s work
When Nadal, Sharipova or Azarenka make those grunts and wails on the tennis court they are doing something that is ...

Ashtanga inside
I recently heard someone say that yoga wasn’t effective as a spiritual work - instantly I knew that person had ...

Acknowledge daily wins
“If it’s not big it doesn’t count”. Do you think like that? Do you dismiss the hundreds of small accomplishments ...

Living a good life
We all drift... sometimes an hour is lost scrolling (more on that another time). Sometimes for weeks or years. Pam ...
Then the man (or woman) ain’t bright
One of my teachers was a man called Henryk who had worked in building, carpentry and eventually used to run ...
What is One Step Beyond?
Everyone is creative. Creativity is a birthright. But we seem to have lost the art of it. As children, we ...
Have you heard of Super Brain Yoga?
It’s a quick and fun way to wake up both the analytic and creative sides of the brain. Face the ...
August awakens the senses ??
Winter is coming to a close. Get a jump start on the awakening of Spring with some sensory outing to ...
An antidote for earworms
Self-talk Most of us would be embarrassed if others could hear the contents of our internal soundtrack. Our self-talk that ...

Marie Kondo for the creative spirit
The sensation that is Marie Kondo has the magic of old truths that ring true being repackaged in a new ...
The Artist’s Date – 7 possibilities to inspire for July
Taking yourself on a weekly Artist’s Date (that’s a date with yourself) as an opportunity to let yourself follow your ...

Do it! Suspense writing
Don't think. Just do. Grab your journal, a book or some paper and write. Take a mundane scene: two people ...
10 ways smart people stay calm
I've just come back from a couple of days in the country - a complete change of pace, demand, activity ...

A return to authenticity
Many years ago I used a bought image in a job for a client for the Asian market. The girl ...

Design! Not just the look and feel, but how it works.
The Look - it's important - whether it's a one-off unique and personal item, a fully crafted corporate brand or ...