New Works

Lying down, Looking up

In quiet momentsFeathery fronds of glistening greenShift in the shimmering light.An ocean of greenFloats and enfolds meTangling and flowingIn friendly ...


One breath at a time One line at a time Slow Relax Breathe ...


In praise of umbra, those lightless shadows,That wrap and mantle with watery flows,Those dark frames hiding from the light,To mask ...

I Wear Him

I wear him like a blessing. Seen  unexpectedly through other’s eyes, a snapshot, an expression. Felt more often, as an ...

Freshie Morning

Prickly pears elevated in soldierly linesBoardshorts and bikinis in the latest designsAwnings raised - grinding beans and screaming froth combine.Tradies, ...

Memorial – Act 1

I witnessed this memorial yesterday - as an onlooker and someone who knows nothing about surfboats, it was super intense ...

sthira-sukham: 2.46

Cues were called out across the room - I eased my left knee to unlock and move evenly, bending to ...