10 ways smart people stay calm

I’ve just come back from a couple of days in the country – a complete change of pace, demand, activity … even got a few hours of forest bathing – bliss.  I think for me, this ticked off #1 and #4 in this article I’m sharing about staying calm and staying on top of the stress.

You can preempt much of your stress with these vital practices.

The ability to manage your emotions and remain calm under pressure has a direct link to your performance. TalentSmart has conducted research with more than a million people, and we’ve found that 90 percent of top performers are skilled at managing their emotions in times of stress in order to remain calm and in control.

As long as the stress isn’t prolonged, it’s harmless.

Here’s the first 4
1. They Appreciate What They Have
2. They Avoid Asking “What If?”
3. They Stay Positive
4. They Disconnect

For all ten ways with explanations as well as the complete article and a great  Performance vs Stress diagram head to  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/10-ways-smart-people-stay-calm_us_59134c00e4b0e070cad70b0b

A return to authenticity

Many years ago I used a bought image in a job for a client for the Asian market. The girl in the image was clean and sparkly with a fabulously engaging smile – perfect!

Over the years I see her pop up more and more often, in everything from a nurses outfit to a tennis player. She always looks “perfect”.

Seems we’re all a bit over that – now wanting an authenticity in what we see. A simplicity. A truth. We want our business people to look like they are working, that they are tired, or stressed, or fooling around or simply, honestly happy. That they actually look like people you know – not the perfectly manicured, the perfectly made-up with the perfect hair. We want them to seem real to us. We want to empathise with them in whatever role they have. We want them captured in a human moment.

Time for something real, something human, something imperfect, individual – a simplicity