Books we have published

First Bite: 
mindful mouthfuls – simple savouring – tuned-in tasting – blissful bites


First Bite is a taster of experiences – all designed to help you truly experience your first bite of food. Sounds easy? Try it.

The book by Pamela and David contains:

  • where the idea for the book came from
  • simple daily exercises you can try (TRY IT)
  • tales of real-life people (STORY)
  • some science for the nerds (THE SCIENCE).

Copies can be purchased by dropping an email to  or at Amazon US and Amazon AU

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PoeTRy book design & Illustration

This personal book of poetry, Moving & Being – a collection of poems shown in stillness by Pamela Bray is the result of a creative urge to write, to design, to illustrate and to explore the journey from the tiniest spark of an idea to holding the published book in my hand.

Copies can be purchased by dropping an email to  or online here.